What is lean?

  • Lean is a way of maximising your customer value while using less waste.

    CUSTOMER VALUE is the part of your business product/service that the customer is happy to pay for.

    WASTE is the part of your business product/service that increases costs to you and the customer and is not what the customer would like to pay for.

Is Lean only applicable to the Manufacturing Industry?

  • Lean methodologies are applicable to any business in any industry so, in truth, they are applicable to your business and would facilitate the reduction of your business costs and aid the growth of your business.

does a lean consultant need to be an expert in the business they are supporting?

  • If you are involved in the process, then you are likely to be part of the problem - please do not take offence at this!!

    It is to your advantage that the less we know initially about your business and processes then the more beneficial we can be to you. If we know little about your processes, then we are more likely to challenge your business norms, asking WHY you operate the way you do, not to cause offence but to develop our understanding and to identify opportunities to improve your business.

Does Lean focus only on process efficiencies?

  • While finding efficiencies in your processes is important, since it helps to eliminate waste and reduce operational costs, it is also important to focus on Leadership, Employee Mindset, Business Structure and, of course, the Customer Experience to ensure your business is set up for success

How do I know that lean will benefit my business?

  • Lean is applicable to any business and a lot of the methodologies are widely used without anyone realising.

    The benefits of implementing Lean in your business will differ from others as each business will have their own unique problems and cultures.